Complete Concrete Cleaning at Pepperhill Circle, Lexington, KY

This customer gave us a call to clean up their concrete in order to put their house on the market.
- Estimated Budget: $300
- Concrete Cleaning
- Pressure Washing
When we arrived to do the estimate we noticed their driveway was overrun with algae, mold, and mildew. We wanted to make sure we got to work on this right away to help restore the surface to prevent any further damage from occurring to their driveway. Not only will it boost their curb appeal and overall appearance of their home, but also increase the longevity of the integrity of their property.
We started off by applying a cleaning detergent to the surface of their driveway at around 100PSI to help loosen the dirt, algae, mold, and mildew. We call this a "pre-treatment" of their concrete which is a part of our premium surface cleaning package. After we let the detergent go to work for around 15-20 minutes, we immediately fired up our pressure washer at around 2-3K PSI to start cleaning out the concrete's pores. With the pre-treatment already have done most of the work, we simply ran our surface cleaner over the entirety of their driveway and left behind a seem-less bright, clean concrete.